Naloxone‬, ‪Opioid‬‬

Naloxone,  referred by the brand name Narcan. Narcan can be administered as a nasal spray to help stop the deadly effects of an opioid overdose.

Opioids are a class of drug including many prescription painkillers and heroin. These drug will be available as OTC (over-the-counter).

Symptoms of an Overdose on Vicodin, OxyContin, or Morphine

Symptoms of an opioid overdose include:

Confusion, delirium, or acting drunk
Mood swings
Nausea or vomiting
Extreme constipation
Pinpoint pupils
Extreme sleepiness, or the inability to wake up
Breathing problems, including slowed or irregular breathing
Stopped breathing
Cold, clammy skin, or bluish skin around the lips or under the fingernails

Depressed breathing is the most dangerous side effect of opioid overdose. Lack of oxygen to the brain can cause other organ systems, like the kidneys or heart, to shut down. If a person suffering an opioid overdose is left alone and falls asleep, the person could die due to depressed, and eventually cessation of, breathing.
Symptoms of an Overdose on Vicodin, OxyContin, or Morphine

Symptoms of an opioid overdose include:

Confusion, delirium, or acting drunk
Mood swings
Nausea or vomiting
Extreme constipation
Pinpoint pupils
Extreme sleepiness, or the inability to wake up
Breathing problems, including slowed or irregular breathing
Stopped breathing
Cold, clammy skin, or bluish skin around the lips or under the fingernails

Depressed breathing is the most dangerous side effect of opioid overdose. Lack of oxygen to the brain can cause other organ systems, like the kidneys or heart, to shut down. If a person suffering an opioid overdose is left alone and falls asleep, the person could die due to depressed, and eventually cessation of, breathing.




Naloxone‬, ‪Opioid‬‬
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